Monday, 3 August 2015


Kia ora,

I am very happy to have been part of the organising committee for #educampPALMY in 2015.

It was a wonderful opportunity to be sharing my experience and thoughts on it.

Here is a link to the smack down and google site.


I ran a BREAKOUT on gafe, this was to fill a need. There was high interest from 38 people, they extended an interest in GAFE. So I felt compelled and privileged to share my perspective and context in using google classroom.
Here's my slide:

My notes from the EMERGING LEADERS breakout, run by the edlead team.

Emerging Leaders:

Standing back to back on a position puts you at an opposed position to someone. In order to know what the other perspective if you must stand side by side. My job is to truly see and understand someone else’s perspective. What we’re expecting of our learners is key. We need positive leadership skills. Positioning myself as the leader by the side of a teacher empowers our relationship. I need to situate myself so that I can COACH alongside. Be the teacher / learner. When going into a conversation about how I want it to finish is not a good start. I need to see their side, see their perspective. Awareness / assumptions- I need to be more aware of myself to be effective. Deal with a CURRENT situation, talk through a problem. Jennifer Abrams- read about this scaffold in conversations. When in these difficult conversations, give them an invitation to speak and share. Am I solution giver or a problem giver?

I need to DE-PERSONALISE my learning to make it meaningful for me.

I need to be willing to appreciate positive feedback.

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